  • 终于认识专利申请英语

      情景会话   A: Do you know how to apply a patent?   B: Yes, I know something about classification do you want to apply for?   A: Patent for invention.   B: This kind of patent application is strictly examined, especially the examination of novelty, inventiveness and practicality.   A: How to get the approval of patent application?   B: Usually, the patent applications approved have four characteristics, including exclusiveness, territoriality, term and intangibility.   A: What is the rate of patent for invention?   B: 40%~50% as of 2014.   A: Thank you very much.   B: You are welcome!
      A:您知道怎么申请专利吗?   B:是的,我知道一些。您想中请哪种类型的专利?   A:发明专利。   B:这种专利申请审查十分严格,特别是新颖性、创造性和实用性的审查。   A:怎么才能获得专利申请的批准?   B:通常来说,受批准的专利申请应具备4个特点,包括专用性、地域性、期限性和无形性。   A:发明专利授权率是多少?   B:截至2014年是40%~50%o   A:非常感谢。   B:不客气!
    [图片0]   场景表述   Which classification do you want to apply for?   您想申请哪种类型的专利?
      还可以这样说:   O Which classification would you like to apply for?您想要申请哪种类型的专利?   OPlease tell me the classification you want to apply for.请告诉我您想申请的专利种类。
      对方可能这样回答:   O I do not know what classification I should apply for.我不知道应该申请哪种专利。
      How to get the approval of patent application?   怎么才能获得专利申请的批准?
      还可以这样说:   O What kind of patent application is supposed to be approved?什么样的专利申请会得到批准?
      对方可能这样回答:   O I do not know for sure.我并不确切知道。   O Satisfy all the requirements.满足所有要求。