  • 终于发现英语表达观点

       my view......我的想法是……   In my view....../In my opinion....../As I see it....../The way I see it......   My point of view is....../In my humble opinion......   humble谦卑的,表示尊重
      短对话   A:My point of view is this is a big mistake.我的观点是,这是一个错误。   B:I agree with you.我同意你的观点。
       good idea dawned on me.我有个好主意。   A good idea dawned on me.   dawn on想到一个主意   A thought flashed on me./I've got a thought.   I have come up with an idea.
      短对话   A:Tell you what. I have a good idea.跟你说,我有个好主意。   B:What' sit?什么主意?
    [图片0]    I provide you some of my advice?我可以给你一些建议吗?
    Can I provide you some of my advice?/Can I suggest something?   Please allow me to say a few words.   Would you mind if I give you some suggestions?   I want to offer a suggestion.
      短对话   A:Can I suggest something?我可以给你一些建议吗?   B:Sure. Go ahead.当然,请讲。