  • 总算明了赞扬的英语怎么说



    Miss Zhang, it' s only one month, but you are familiar with all the business in our done. 张小姐,你来公司才一个月,就熟悉了公司的业务,真不错呀! Thank you very much, shall work harder. 谢谢夸奖,布莱克先生。我应多努力才是。 What' s the difference between your present job and former one? 你觉得在我们这里工作与你以前的工作有什么不同吗? What impresses me most here is that everyone is very industrious and friendly, responsible and enterprising. 我觉得印象深的是这儿的每个人都很勤奋、友好,具有责任感和强烈的进取心。 employees are very capable with team spirit and ' s why our company is developing fast. 的确。我们的员工都很能干,具有合作精神和创造性。这也是我们公司发展重要的原因。 Yes, I share the same ' s why I enjoy working here. 我也有同感,这也是我愿意来此就职的原因。 But some people think working in foreign enterprises involves busy schedules and great you think so, Miss Zhang? 张小姐,有人说在外企工作很累,压力大。你怎么看呢? Yeah, at least 1 think I' m really busy, busy answering phones, typing and printing, writing reports and contacting be frank, I hope I work efficiently but not fact, I find sometimes I can work better with pressure· 至少我认为我现在工作就很忙,你瞧,我整天忙于接电话、打印材料、撰写报告、联系客户。说真的,我希望高效率地工作,但不是加班加点。事实上,我发现有时候在有压力的情况下能更出色地工作。 Yes, that' s what we need-work with high efficiency. 是,我们需要的就是高效率地工作。 [图片1]