  • 终于晓得开车学英语

       you want to drive out?想开车出去吗?   Wanna go for a drive in the countryside?
       equipment when driving驾车时的辅助器材. Turn on the windshield wipers. It's starting to rain.   The brakes are very important.   Turn on the headlights. It's getting dark.   Are your seat belts fastened?/Is there a rear window defroster?   defroster除霜器
       the left/one way靠左行驶/单行道   Do you drive on the left here?/Is it one-way?
       speed limit公路限速   What is the speed limit?/Please tell me how to get to the highway.
      停车   Is it all right to park here?/Where is the parking area?   Is there a parking lot near here?   parking lot停车场
       station加油站   I want to get some gasoline at the gas station nearby.   How far is the nearest gas station?/Fill it up, please.   Three gallons of gasoline, please.   This car only uses unleaded gasoline.   gasoline无铅汽油
    [图片0]   情景对话   A:Fill it up, please.请帮我加满油。   B:Premium or regular, Madam?小姐,你要特级的还是普通的?
      A:Premium, please. Could you check my tires, too?I think they need air.特级的。你可以帮我检查一些轮胎吗?我想它们需要打气。   B:No problem, Madam. Should I check the air in the spare tire as well?没问题,小姐。我要检查备用胎有没有气吗?
      A:I don't think so. It's brand一new.我想不用。它是新的。   B:Should I clean the wind shield for you?我可以为你清洗挡风玻璃吗?   A:Yes, please!I also need you to check the oil on the radiator.是的,请!我也需要你帮我检查散热器的油。