  • 终于清楚在飞机上的英语

       on the plane.上飞机就座。   China Airlines flight number eighteen for Paris is now boarding.   Here is my boarding card./Will you please show me to my seat?   May I change my seat, please?
       is my seat?我的座位在哪?   Where is my seat?/Can you find me my seat, please?   Can you tell me where my seat is?
       seat is by the window.我的座位靠窗。   I have the window seat./My seat is by the window.   I am sitting next to the window.
       service机上的服务   Miss!Give me something to drink, please.   Do you have a Chinese newspaper?   May I have some magazines, please?   Please give me a glass of orange juice.   Is there a meal served on this flight?/Another glass of water, please.   Could I have a blanket?/I want some tax-free whiskey.   I feel sick, please give me some pills.
    [图片0]   过境   How long do we stop over there?   This plane will stop at Hong Kong for about two hours.   May I leave my baggage on board?   Please tell me when the plane is about to leave?
       belt安全带   Is it all right to loosen my seat belt?/Fasten your seat belt!
       in the form填写表格   Please show me how to fill in this form.
       flying飞行时   Where are we flying now?/What is the next stopping place?   Do you happen to know what the present altitude of this plane is?
       in class舱内的谈话   Have you ever been up in an airplane to London?   Can you sleep well in the airplane?   Are you quite accustomed to travelling by air?   Have you ever felt airsick?