  • 总算明白工作压力用英语怎么说



    It' s said that Mr. Green will be appointed as our head. 听说格林先生要做我们的上司。 In that case, I' d rather quit my job.如果那样的话,我宁愿辞职。 Mr. Green has gotten many excellent achievements, he is qualified for it. 格林先生取得了很多业绩,他是称职的。 I admire his achievements, but that doesn' t mean that I' d like to vote for him. 我钦佩他取得的业绩,但并不意味着我会投他的票。 To me, that' s the last straw. 对我来说,那是后一根稻草。 Mr. Green is like a robot, he doesn' t give us any slack. 格林先生像个机器人,他不让我们有一丝松懈。 Just because of this, you got a prize last month. 正因为如此,你上个月拿到了奖金。 I don' t care much about the prize. 我不在乎那点奖金。 [图片1]