  • 总算领会病人描述病情 英文

      不舒服   I have no pep./I feel bad(sick)today./I feel a little better today.
       cold感冒   I have chills.受寒。   I have a fever.发烧。   I have a cough.咳嗽。   I'm afraid I've caught a cold.感冒。
       throat喉咙疼   I have a high fever and a sore throat./My throat feels swollen.   I cant keep any food down.
      情景对话   A:Good morning, doctor.医生,早上好。   B:Good morning, Miss Mandy. How are you today?.迪小姐,早上好。你今天觉得怎样?
      A:I'm not feeling very well. I've got a bad cold.我觉得很不舒服。我得了重感冒。   B:Have you got a sore throat too?你喉咙痛吗?
      A:No, but I've got a headache.不,但是我头痛。   B:Yes, I see. Go home to bed and take one of these pills every 3 hours.是的,我知道了。回家休息,这个药片每3个小时服一片。   A:Thank you very much.非常感谢你。
    [图片0]   牙疼   This tooth hurts./I can't bite down because of the pain.   My lower jaw feels swollen./My tooth cap has come off.   Please put silver filling in./Please rinse out my mouth.
       pain脚痛   I have a sore foot./I have gotten corns on my foot.   corns鸡眼   I have gotten blisters on my right foot.   blister水泡   My shoes pinched me./I think I have broken my leg.
      胃疼   I have a pain in my stomach.   I have something wrong with my stomach.   I'm suffering from indigestion these days./I ate too much.
       problem肠道问题   I haven't any appetite.   I have a pain in abdomen.   I have diarrhea.
      失眠   I can't sleep well at night-/I could hardly sleep last night.