  • 终于理会工作表现良好 英语

      're doing a good job.你完成得很出色。   You have done a perfect work./Excellent!   Couldn't have asked for a better report./A very good job.
       finished it faster than expected.你完成得很快。   You are done before the deadline/You are ahead the schedule.   You finished it faster than expected.
    [图片0]   情景对话   A:Hello, Anna speaking.你好,我是安娜.   B:Hey, Anna. This is Jason.嘿,安娜。我是詹森。
      A:Jason, where you've been hiding lately?You know it's been a long time since your last call. Have you been good?   詹森,你近躲到哪里去了?你知道吗,我们上次的通话离现在已经很久了。你还好吗?   B:Yes, how are you, Anna?是的,你好吗,安娜?
      A:I'm fine. What have you been doing?我很好。你在做什么?   B:Working. I've been really busy these got a promotion.工作.这些天我真的很忙。我升职了。
      A:That's great!Congratulations!太棒了!恭喜你!   B:Thanks. I'm feeling pretty good about myself, know, bigger office, a raise, even an assistant.谢谢。我自我感觉也好极了。你知道的,更大的办公室,加薪,甚至有个助手。
      A:That's good. So I guess I have to make an appointment to see you.那就好。所以我想我必须跟你预约才能见到你。   B:You're kidding.你在开玩笑。
      A:How long have you been working there?你在那里做多久了?   B:A bit of 2 years. This is a fast-moving company, and seniority isn't the only factor in deciding promotions.两年多一点。这是一家发展很快的公司。资历在这不是决定升职的罕有的标准。
      A:How do you like your new boss?你觉得你的新老板怎么样?   B:She's very nice and open一minded.非常好,而且思想很开放。
      A:Much better than the last one, huh?嘿,比上个老板好吗?   B:He was a real slave一driver. He probably would have loved it if we were robots.他真是个奴隶主。他简直把我们当机器人了。
      A:Oh, forget about him. Come over to my house 's get drunk.噢,别提他了。今晚来我家。我们去喝杯东西。   B:Good. o'clock.好的。今8点钟。
      A:8 it is. See you then.就八点钟。到时见。   B:Bye.拜拜。