  • 总算明了完成作业的英语

      ' s the topic for the paper报告的主题是?   What's the topic for the paper?/What will be the topic for the paper?
      ' s the paper about?什么时候交?   What's the paper about?/When is it due?/What's the due date?   When is the last day to hand in the paper?
       in your papers by Friday.下周五交。   Turn in your papers by Friday.   The due date for the paper is this Friday.   Your papers are due on Friday.
       many pages?要写多少?   How long does it have to be?/How many pages?
       least 3 pages.至少写三页。   At least 3 pages./The essay shouldn't be less than 3 pages long.   It has to be at least 3 pages.
    [图片0]   情景对话   Dora:Have you found the book recommended by Mrs. Li?你找到李老师推荐的那本书了吗?   Daniel:30 Nights on Nightmares?No. ((30夜噩梦))?没有。
      Dora:Mrs. Li said it was a good self-help book aiming at those who want to refresh their understanding of basic math.李老师说那是一本不错的自学工具书,意在帮助那些想要巩固数学基础的人。   Daniel:Not conductive to homework or exams?对考试和家庭作业没有指导作用吗?
      Dora:She didn't mention that.她没说。   Daniel:I am looking for some books that have keys to our after-class exercises. What's our homework today,anyway?我在找有我们课后练习答案的书。对了,我们今天的家庭作业是什么?
      Dora:Re一read   Chapter 13 and summarize the main content in a diagram, and finish the exercises in Chapter 13.复习第13章,用一个表格总结主要内容,并完成第13章的练习。   Daniel:I don't understand why we must read it again. I understood everything in class.我不明白为什么必须再读一遍。我在课堂上都听懂了。
      Dora:Mrs. Li says this second reading will help you consolidate what you've learned in 's why we must do homework.李老师说再次阅读可以帮我们巩固在课堂中学到的知识。那就是我们要做家庭作业的原因。   Daniel:But I can't do my homework without answer keys!但是我没有答案就做不了家庭作业!