  • 终于晓得登机用英语

      情景对话   Lele: Excuse me. This is my boarding card. Where and when will I board on the air-craft?   F A: At Gate lo. Since the flight has been delayed due to some unexpected mechanical defects, boarding time might be an hour later. Is your baggage consignment done?   Lele: Yes, it's done.   F A: Well, please wait at the departure lounge. There will be an announcement about the boarding time.   Lele: Fancy meeting you here! You should've been on your way to California now.   Kiki: I wish,were. My flight has been delayed for almost 7 hours. God knows when the flight will leave. It's awfully boring. Now I even begin to have second thoughts for leaving.   Lele: True enough.   Kiki: Everything's going to suck without you.   Lele: Oh, you're my best friend and I'll miss you so much.   Kiki: Hey, you promise we'll e-mail every day, remember? Cross your heart.   Lele: Did you hear that? CA983. That's my flight. It may be gonna leave.
    [图片0]   乐乐:打扰了。这是我的登机牌。在哪儿,什么时候登机呀?   空姐:在10号登机口。由于突发机械故障飞机延时起飞,所以登机时间大约在一小时后。您的行李托运都办完了吗?   乐乐:嗯,都办妥了。   空姐:那么.请您在候机室等候。会有广播通知登机时间。   乐乐:真没想到在这儿见到你!你现在本应该在去加州的路上呀。   琪琪:我倒是希望如此。我的飞机都延飞七个小时了。不知道什么时候起才能飞。真无聊。我都开始考虑是不是要走了。   乐乐:深有同感。   琪琪:你不在真没劲哪!   乐乐:哦,你是我比较好的朋友,我会很想你的。   琪琪:嘿,你确保我们每天通邮件的,记得吗?你发誓。   乐乐:听到没有?CA983。那就是我要坐的飞机。貌似要起飞了。
      扩展表达   航站楼候机楼:terminal   候机室:departure lounge   登机时间:boarding time   登机口:gate   延误:delayed