  • 总算知道乘坐地铁英文

      Lele:Wow! This subway station is really nice! Look, there's a man playing the saxophone! Isn't that romantic?   Bobbie:Uh-huh. It seems like the music is just for us.   K K:Oh, please stop. My day pass has gone.   Bobbie:Gosh! This is typical. You'd better repay for it, or you would be fined 25o dollars if you were caught fare-beating.   Bobbie: Here comes the train. I hope it won't be too crowded today.   K K: Hey! Get behind the yellow line or the train will hit you.   Lele: Oops!I wasn't watching where I was standing.   Bobbie: Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically.   K K: Yes, it's somehow dangerous. Last time my hand was pinched between the subway doors. It still hurts.   Lele: Oh, God! So many people ride the sub-way! It is crowded.   K K: After you have ridden on a subway during rush hour, you'll envy sardines for their big spacious cans.
      乐乐:哇。地铁站真漂亮!看.有人在演奏萨克斯!多浪漫呀!   波比:啊哈!好像音乐是为咱俩演奏的。   K K:哦.快打住!我的日票丢了。   波比:天!真是你的风格。你比较好再去买一张。不然一旦被抓住逃票你会被罚款250美元.   波比:车过来了。希望今天不要太挤。   K K:嘿!站到黄线的后面.否则车会撞到你的。   乐乐:哦.我没注意我站的地方。   波比:要小心!地铁的车门是自动开关的。   K K:是啊.挺危险的。上次我被地铁门挤了手,现在还疼呢。   乐乐:哦,天哪!有这么多人在地铁里真拥挤啊!   K K:在上下班的高峰期你若坐一下地铁,你会羡慕沙丁鱼的罐头有多么大,多么宽敞。
    [图片0]  扩展表达   地铁:subway,underground   代币:token   候车黄线:yellow line   地铁站:subway station   逃票:fare-beating   旋转门:revolving door