  • 终于找到谈论天气的英文

      We couldn't ask for a nicer day, could we?今天天气真好。   I really wish it wasn't so hot every day.我希望每天不要这么热。   They said that it's going to warm up over the next couple of days.他们说再过几天就暖和起来了。
      1、The sunshine today is so brilliant.   今天天气真好。
      2、What a lovely day this is.   今天天真不错。
      3、I wish it would cool off one day.   我希望有一天能凉快下来。
      4、Do you know what tomorrow's supposed to be like?   你知道明天天气怎么样?
      5、What's it like out?   外面天气怎么样?
      6、How's the weather?   天气怎么样?
      7、Bit chilly today, isn't it?   今天有点冷,你觉得呢?
      8、It sure is cold today!   今天的确很冷。
    [图片0] 以上是由上海英语学校小编为您整理的谈论天气的英文的全部内容。