  • 总算理解搬行李英语

      A: Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Great Wall hotel.   B: Thank you.   A: May I help you with your bags?   B: Yes, please.   A: How many pieces of luggage do you have in all?   B: I have four pieces.   A: Just a moment please. I will bring a trolley.   B: Okay.   A: I'll show you to the Front Desk. This way, please.   B:Thank you.
      A:先生下午好。欢迎来到长城酒店。   B:谢谢。   A:我可以帮您提行李吗?   B:好的,请吧。   A:您一共有多少件行李?   B:一共4件。   A:请稍等一下。我去拿一辆行李车。   B:好的。   A:我来带您到前台。这边请。   B:谢谢。
    [图片0] 场景问答句
      May I help you with your bags?   我可以帮您提行李吗?
      还可以这样说:   May I take your luggage, sir/madam?我可以帮您拿行李吗,先生/女士?
      Would you mind taking this handbag with you?您介意自己拿着这个手提包吗?
      This is your luggage tag.这是您的行李牌。
      How many bags do you have in all?   您一共有多少件行李?
      还可以这样说:    So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共带了4件行李,对吗?
       Is there anything breakable in your bag?您包里有易碎品吗?
      Are these all your luggage?这些是您所有的行李吗?
      Just a moment please. I will bring a trolley.   请稍等一下,我去拿一辆行李车。
      还可以这样说:   Shall I put your suitcase here?我把您的旅行箱放在这里好吗?   I'll put your bags by the post over there.我先将您的行李放在那边的柱子旁。