  • 总算晓得去酒店 英语

      A: Hello, the Great Wall Hotel. How can I help you?   B: Oh hi, I have a reservation with you but I'm afraid I got lost.   A: Where are you now, sir?   B: I just got out of the metro station and right now I am on the Zhongshan Road.   A: I see. It's not far from our keep walking until you hit the first traffic light then turn right.   B: Okay.   A: You will run into a Wal-Mart. Our hotel is just beside the WalMart. Youwon't miss it.   B: I see, thank you. You are very helpful.   A: It's my pleasure. See you soon, sir.   B: See you.
      A:您好,长城大酒店。有什么可以帮您的吗?   B:哦,你好,我在你们酒店订了房间,但是恐怕我迷路了。   A:您现在在哪儿呢,先生?   B:我刚出了地铁站,现在在中山路上。   A:我知道了。(中山路)离我们的酒店不远。请一直往前走,走到第一个红绿灯右转。   B:好的。   A:您会看到一家沃尔玛超市。我们的酒店就位于沃尔玛的旁边。您不会错过的。   B:我明白了,谢谢你。你帮了大忙了。   A:这是我的荣幸。一会儿见,先生。   B:一会儿见。
    [图片0] 场景问答句
      It's not far from our hotel.   中山路离我们的酒店不远。
      还可以这样说:   O You'd better take a taxi.您比较好坐出租车。
      O It's about two kilometers from here.距这里两公里。
      O Take a bus, and get off at the People's Square.乘46路公交车,在人民广场下车。
      O Let me have a word with the taxi driver.让我跟出租车司机说吧。
      O It's about one hour's ride from the airport to our hotel.从机场到我们酒店大约是个小时的车程。
      You will run into a Wal-Mart.   您会看到一家沃尔玛超市。
      还可以这样说:   0 Keep going two hundred meters before you come to a fork road.继续走200米,直到您走到一个三岔路口。   O Go straight until you get to the crossing.别拐弯,一直走到十字路口。
      O It's between the food street and the shopping mall.它位于美食街和大型购物中心之间。
      0 You will see a big sign of Carrefour supermarket.您会看到家乐福超市的子。