  • 终于认识还有空房吗 英语

      A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?   B: Hi, I was wondering if it's possible forme to change a room.   A: May I ask why?   B: The room is very stuffy and I'd like a room with a big window.   A: I see. Just a second please. Let me   check.   (After a few minutes.)   A: I'm sorry sir, but there is no room   available until tomorrow.   A: So I have to stay in the same room until tomorrow.   B: I am afraid so. We will notify you immediately once there is a room available.   A: OK.
      A:早上好,先生。我可以帮您吗?   B:你好,我想知道是否有可能为我换一个房间。   A:我可以问一下原因吗?   B:房间很闷热,我想要一间有大窗户的房间。   A:我明白了。请稍等。让我查一下。   (几分钟后。)   B:对不起,先生,明天才有空房。   A:所以我还要待在同一个房间里一直到明天。   B:恐怕是这样的。但是一有空房,我们就会马上通知您。   A:好的。
    [图片0] 场景表述 
     I'm sorry sir, but there is no room available until tomorrow.   对不起,先生,明天才有空房。
      还可以这样说:   O We don't have any spare room today.今天没有空房了。
      O It's the peak tourist season. All the rooms are occupied.   现在是旅游旺季,所有的房间都住满了。
      We will notify you immediately once there is a room available.   但是一有空房,我们就会马上通知您。
      还可以这样说:   O What about changing your room this afternoon?今天下午给您换可以吗?
      O We will give you a free upgrade to one of our business suites.我们将为您免费升级到商务套房。