  • 总算理解酒店点餐英语

      A: Hello, Room service. May I help you?   B: Yes. Can I order something to eat?   A: Certainly, sir. What would you like toorder?   B: I'll have a chicken sandwich and a glass of apple juice, please.   A: White bread or rye?   B: White, please.   A: Toasted or untoasted?   B: Toasted please. How long will it take?   A: It should be ready in ten minutes.
      A:您好,客房服务。请问有什么能帮忙的吗?   B:是的。我可以点些东西吃吗?   A:当然可以,先生。您要点些什么呢?   B:我要一个鸡肉三明治和一杯苹果汁。   A:您是要自面包还是黑麦面包?   B:白面包,谢谢。   A:您是要烤过的还是没烤过的?   B:烤过的,谢谢。多长时间能好?   A:十分钟左右就能好。
    [图片0] 场景表述
      What would you like to order?   您要点些什么呢?
      还可以这样说:   O May I take your order please?您现在需要点餐吗?
      O Would you like anything else?还需要别的吗?
      O Would you like something to drink?您需要点喝的吗?
      Toasted or untoasted?   您是要烤过的还是没烤过的?   还可以这样说:   O How do you like your steak?您的牛排要几成熟?
      O What kind of sauce for your chicken nuggets?   您的鸡块要配什么酱呢?
      O How would you like your coffee, black or white?您要什么样的咖啡,黑咖啡还是加奶?
      It should be ready in ten minutes.   十分钟左右就能好。   还可以这样说:   O We'll get it to you as soon as possible.我们会尽快给您送过去。
      O This is rush hour, so there is no guarantee.现在是高峰时间,所以我们也不敢确保。