  • 终于知道用英语询问时间

      情景会话   A: Hello, this is Room Service Department. May I help you?   A: Hello. I'm Howard from Room 805. I'd like a full breakfast please.   B: When would you like your order to be delivered?   A: Well, it's half past seven now. It would be fine if you have it delivered in half an hour.   B: No problem. It'll be brought up on time.   A: Good, thank you.   B: My pleasure.
      A:您好,这里是客房服务部。有什么能帮您的吗?   B:你好。我是805号房间的霍华德,我想点一份英式早餐。   A:什么时候给您送过去呢?   B:嗯,现在是七点半。比较好能半小时内送来。   B:没问题,我们会准时送过去的。   A:好的,谢谢你。   B:很高兴为您服务。
    [图片0]   场景表述   When would you like your order to be delivered?   什么时候给您送过去呢?
      还可以这样说:   Would you like it now or later?现在给您送过去还是等一会儿送?   Is it OK if we deliver it in thirty minutes? 30分钟以后给您送去行吗?
      It'll be brought up on time.   我们会准时送过去的。
      It should be there in about twenty minutes.您的餐大约20分钟就能送到。   Your order will be ready soon.您订的餐一会儿就好。