  • 总算找到餐厅接待英语

      情景会话   A: Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?   B: Yes, we have reserved a table.   A: Under what name?   B: Steve Lee.   A: OK. How many people in your party, please?   B: Four. We have three here, and another one would be coming soon.   A: Where would you prefer to sit?   B: We prefer a table by the window.   A: OK. This way, please.
      A:晚上好,欢迎光临。请问您有预订吗?   B:是的,我们预订了一张餐桌。   A:以谁的名义预订的?   B:史蒂夫·李。   A:好的,请问您总共有几位?   B:四位。现在来了三位,还有一位马上就到。   A:您想坐在什么位置呢?   B:我们希望坐靠窗的座位。   A:好的。请走这边。
    [图片0] 场景表述
      How many people in your party, please?   请问您总共有几位?
      还可以这样说:   For how many, please?请问一共有几位?
      Where would you prefer to sit?   您想坐在什么位置呢?
      还可以这样说:   O Will this table be alright?这张桌子可以吗?   O How about the table by the window?靠窗的餐桌怎么样?