  • 总算清楚排队叫号英文

      情景会话   A:Hello sir. Can I help you?   B: Yes. I wonder if you have a table for eight people.   A: Sorry sir. All of our tables are you mind waiting?   B: No. I don't. Should we wait in line orin number?   A:We will give you a number and call you back in time. Here it is.   B: OK. Thanks.
      A:您好先生。有什么可以帮您的吗?   B:是的。我想知道你们现在有8人桌吗?   A:对不起,先生。我们所有的餐位都预订满了。您介意等位吗?   B:不,不介意。我们是该排队等候还是按号码等候?   A:我们将给您一个号码,并及时叫号。这是您的号码。   B:好的。谢谢。
    [图片0]   场景表述   Should we wait in line or in number?   我们是该排队等候还是按号码等候?
      对方还可能这样说:   O Should we wait in line?我们得排队等候吗?   O Well, how long will it take?好的,需要等多长时间。

    We will give you a number and call you back in time.   我们将给您一个号码,并及时叫号。
      还可以这样说:   O Here is your number.这是您的号码。   O Please take this number and wait here.请拿好号,在这里等待。   OWe'll call the next number if you are not here.如果您不在,我们就会叫下一个号。