  • 总算明了饮食禁忌英语

      情景会话   A: May I have the menu please?   B: Here is the menu, sir. By the way, do you have any dietary restrictions?   A: Yes, I do not eat pork.   B: OK, I see.   A: I'd like some chicken.   B: What would you like to drink, coffee or tea?   A: Tea, please.   B: What would you like for dessert?   A: I stay away from sugar.   B: OK. If you need any help, please let me know.
      A:我可以看一看菜单吗?   B:这是菜单,先生。顺便问一下,您有没有饮食禁忌呢?   A:有的.我不吃猪肉。   B:好的,我知道了。   A:给我来点鸡肉吧。   B:您想喝点什么,咖啡还是茶呢?   A:请来杯茶。   B:您喜欢吃什么甜点呢?_   A:我不吃甜食。   B:好的。如果您在用餐时有什么问题,   请告诉我。
    [图片0]   场景表述   By the way, do you have any dietary restrictions?   顺便问一下,您有没有饮食禁忌呢?
      还可以这样说:   O If you couldn't adapt to spicy food, I'd like to recommend Cantonese food.   如果您不能吃辣的食物.我推荐您吃广东菜。
      O Since you are pregnant, I wonder if you have any food prohibitions.   鉴于您怀孕了,我想知道您是否有饮食禁忌。
      Yes, I don't eat pork.   有的,我不吃猪肉。
      对方还可能这样说:   O Wine is not what I like.我不喜欢喝酒。   O Well, I should eat less rice because my diabetes.嗯,我要少吃米饭,因为我有糖尿病。
      What would you like for dessert?   您喜欢吃什么甜点呢?
      还可以这样说:   O Would you like some cakes for dessert?您想来点蛋糕作甜点吗?