  • 终于认识机票改签英语

    预订机票填写姓名时需要注意哪些? 乘机人姓名必须与登机所用证件上的姓名一致,按照页面提示,在对应的姓和名框中输入信息,不区分大小写。美联英语为大家整理英语口语对话,都是日常生活中常见的情景,简单的话题,本篇是机票改签英语。

    Great Wall Air Flight Reservations. May I help you? 长城航空公司订票处。您有什么事? Yes, please. Mr. Frank Burns has a reservation on Flight 725 for Washington, leaving at 4:30tomorrow afternoon. I' m afraid it' ll be difficult for him to make it at that time. Is there a late flighttomorrow evening? 弗兰克·伯恩斯先生订了明天下午四点半飞往华盛顿的725次航班的机票。恐怕他很难及时赶上这个班机。明晚有没有晚一点的班机? Wait a moment, I' ll check. (pausing) Yes. I' ve got Mr. Frank Burns' reservation here andthere' s a flight at eight tomorrow evening. 请稍候,我来查一下。(稍停)有了。我找到了弗兰克·伯恩斯的订票单,明晚八点还有一个航班。 That' s fine. Can you change the reservation then, please? 太好了。能请你更改一下订票的班机吗? All right. Cancel the ticket for Flight 725, and book one seat on Flight 629 for Washington. 好的。取消725次航班的机票,改订飞往华盛顿的629次航班。 Flight 629 for Washington at eight o' clock tomorrow evening. That' s fine. Can Mr. Frank Burnspick up his ticket at the airport? 明晚八点飞往华盛顿的629次航班,太好了。伯恩斯先生能在机场取票吗? Yes, Miss. But it must be collected no later than 7: 20. 可以,小姐,但他必须在七点二十分之前取票。 All right. Does he need to pay a cancellation fee? 好的。他需要付取消机票的费用吗? That won' t be necessary. May I have your name and phone number, Miss? 不需要。能告诉我你的名字和电话吗,小姐? OK. My name is Li Fang and my phone number is . Thank you very much. 好的。我叫李芳,我的电话号码是谢谢。 You are welcome. 不客气。 美联英语小编建议大家学习生活必用的英语会话句型,在不同场景及使用时机掌握对话,将句型融入对话中。