  • 总算认识调料英语怎么说

      A: Hi, this is your chicken in aspic.   B: Is it original recipe?   A: Yes, shall I bring some garlic and ginger for you?   B: That's great.   A: Do you need it served in extra small plates?   B: Yes, please. Thank you.   A: My pleasure. Would you care for something else?   B: Crab salad, please.   A: I will serve you as soon as possible.
      A:您好,这是您的水晶鸡。   B:它是原味的吗?   A:是的,需要我给您拿些姜和蒜来吗?   B:太好了。   A:您是否需要用小碟子盛装?   B:是的。谢谢你。   A:这是我的荣幸。您还想要些其他食物吗?   B:请来份蟹肉沙拉。   A:我会尽快为您上菜。
    [图片0] 场景表述
      Shall I bring some garlic and ginger for you?   需要我给您拿些姜和蒜来吗?
      还可以这样说:   O Do you need any herbs and seasonings?您需要些香草和佐料吗?
      O How about French dressings in your salad?沙拉中加些法式调味汁如何?
      O Which kind of salad dressing would you prefer?您想用哪一利,沙拉调味汁?
      Do you need it served in extra small plates?   您是否需要用小碟子盛装?
      还可以这样说:   O Do you want any blue cheese dressing?您想要蓝乳酪酱吗?
      O Enjoy your buffet, please.请享用您的自助餐。
      O How do you like it to be served?您想怎么享用它?