  • 终于清楚餐具英语怎么说

      情景会话   A: Waitress, could you please do me a favor?   B: What is the matter?   A: What arc these?   B: They are chopsticks and a rice guess this must be your first time to have Chinese food.   A: Yes. I do not know how to use them.   B: Let me show you. Just like this.   A: Oh, Jesus, it is really hard for me to use chopsticks.   B: Yes. Chopsticks are difficult to use for all foreigners but I believe you can do it well.   A: Thank you very much.   B: You are welcome. It's my pleasure.
      A:服务员,能帮我个忙吗?   B:发生什么事了?   A:这是什么东西?   B:这是筷子和饭碗。我猜这一定是您第一次吃中餐。   A:是的。我不知道要怎么用。   B:让我来教您。就像我这样用。   A:哦,天哪。对我来说,使用筷子真的很困难。   B:是的。使用筷子对所有的国际友人来说都很难,但是我相信您能做好的。   A:非常感谢。   B:不客气。这是我的荣幸。
    [图片0]   场景表述   They are chopsticks and a rice bowl.   这是筷子和饭碗。
      还可以这样说:   O They are Chinese tableware.这是中餐餐具。   O These are chopsticks and this is a rice bowl.这是筷子,这是饭碗。
      Let me show you.   让我来教您。
      还可以这样说:   O I will let Susan to show you.我会叫苏珊来教您。   O Let me show you how to use chopsticks.让我来教您怎么使用筷子。
      Chopsticks are difficult to use for all foreigners but I believe you can do it well.   使用筷子对所有的国际友人来说都很难,但是我相信您能做好的。
      还可以这样说:   O It is difficult for all foreigners to use chopsticks.对所有国际友人来说,使用筷子都很难。   O This is a difficult thing for all foreigners.对所有国际友人来说,这都是一件难事。