  • 总算知道折扣英文怎么说

      情景会话   A: I think there is a mistake on our bill.   B: Oh, would you like to show me?   A: Sure. Is this your standard price?   B: Yes, it is.   A: It seems a little cheaper.   B: We offer a 10% discount for you.   A: Why?   B: You are our regular customer and today is also our anniversary.   A: I see. Thank you.   B: Thanks for coming.
      A:我认为我们的账单有误。   B:哦,您能让我看看吗?   A:当然。这是你们的标准价吗?   B:是的。   A:好像便宜了一些。   B:我们为您提供了10%的折扣。   A:为什么?   B:您是我们的常客,而且今天是我们的周年店庆。   A:原来如此。谢谢你。   B:感谢您的光临。
    [图片0]   场景表述   We offer a 10% discount for you.   我们为您提供了10%的折扣。
      还可以这样说:   O We provide you with 10% discount.我们为您提供了10%的折扣。
      O You have enjoyed 10% discount.您享受了10%的折扣。
      O You are entitled to 15% off.您可以享受15%的折扣。
      You are our regular customer and today is also our anniversary.   您是我们的常客,而且今天是我们的周年店庆。
      还可以这样说:   O You are the 10th customer and today is also our 10th anniversary.   您是第10位客人,而今天正好是我们的十周年店庆。
      O You are one of our regular customers.您是我们的常客之一。
      Thanks for coming.   感谢您的光临。
      还可以这样说:   O I hope you enjoyed your dinner.希望您的晚餐用得愉快。
      O Thanks for your presence.感谢您的光临。
      O Thank you for your visit.谢谢您的光临。