  • 终于明了商务英语行程安排



    Well, Miss Shen, have you made the plan for our tour in New York? 哦,沈小姐,我们在纽约的行程计划你安排好了吗? Yes, Mr. Jonnes. Shall I explain the details of the route plan now? 是的,琼斯先生。您要我现在就把行程计划详细解释一下吗? No, not now. But would you tell me how you arrange our schedule for May 28? 不,现在不用。不过你是怎样安排我们5月28日的日程的? Let me look at the plan. Ah, yes. Mr. Jonnes, we' ll visit MP Company in the morning from 8: 30 to 10: 00. After 10: 00, the deputy general manager of the Company, Mr. Blake, will drive us to hotel. At the same time, he' ll talk some things about the Company with you. 我来看看计划。哦,对了,琼斯先生,我们将在上午8: 30-10: 00参观MP公司。10: 00以后MP公司副总经理布莱克先生用车送我们回宾馆,同时,他将与你谈论MP公司的一些情况。 Is there anything before lunch time, Miss Shen? 午餐以前还有其他事吗,沈小姐? I' m afraid not.恐怕没有了。 In that case, would you please change the plan a little bit? We shall have lunch with Mr. Harry,the General Director of the Sun Chemical Corporation. He will leave for Shanghai in the afternoon. 那样的话,请你把计划稍作修改。我们将和太阳化学品公司的董事长哈里先生共进午餐。下午他要去上海。 All right, what about Mr. Blake?好的。那布莱克先生怎么办? We will finish talking before lunch time and join us in the talk with during the lunch time. 我们将在午餐前结束会谈,然后在午餐时一起参加和哈里先生的谈话。 Yes, Mr. Jonnes. I' ll revise the schedule.好的,琼斯先生。我将修改一下计划。 [图片1] [图片2]