  • 终于知道款式的英文

      A: Which models do you sell the most?   B: How about these? They are the current bestsellers.   A: I like this style, especially the design of the collar.   B: is very well一cut. It's of exceptionally good quality as well,pure wool and it feels very soft.   A:It looks nice.   B: You are welcome to try it on.   A: Okay. Do you have a Size S?   B: Here it is.
      A:哪些款式畅销呢?   B:这些怎么样?它们是新的畅销款。   A:我喜欢这个款式,特别是领子的设计。   B:没错,这件衣服的剪裁非常好。而且质量特别好,纯羊毛,非常柔软。   A:看上去挺不错的。   B:您可以试穿一下。   A:好的。有小号吗?   B:有,给您。
    [图片0] 场景表述
      They are the current bestsellers.   它们是新的畅销款。
      还可以这样说:   OThey are all the new arrivals.这些都是新款。   OThese dresses sell very well。这些裙子卖得很好。
      It's of exceptionally good quality as well, pure wool and it feels very soft.   这件质量特别好,纯羊毛,非常柔软。
      还可以这样说:   O They are one hundred percent cotton trousers.这是纯棉的裤子。   O These are unisex jackets.这些夹克男女通用。   O This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive.这件衬衫又时髦又便宜。