  • 总算知晓手表的英语怎么说

      情景会话   A: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?   B: I want to buy a watch.   A: What kind of style would you prefer?   B: I prefer sports watch.   A: I recommend this one for is an all function sports watch.   B: The strap looks nice. But I don't like the dial. Do you have the same model with a larger dial?   A: Let me see. How about this one? It has got a larger dial with almost same strap as that one.   B: Can I try it on?   A: Sure.   B: It's very comfortable to wear. I'll takeit.   A:Thank you. You have a good taste.
      A:早上好,先生。有什么能为您效劳的吗?   B:我想买一块手表。   A:您喜欢什么类型的手表?   B:我喜欢运动型手表。   A:我向您推荐这款。这是一款多功能运动手表。   B:表带很漂亮。但我不喜欢这个表盘。同一款式还有表盘大一点的手表吗?   A:我看一下。这款怎么样?这款表盘大一些,表带和刚才那款基本相同。   B:我可以试带一下吗?   A:当然。   B:带起来很舒适。我买了。   A:谢谢。您真有眼光。