  • 总算知晓商务接待常用英语


    I want to see your manager.我要见经理。 Do you have an appointment?你事先约好了吗? Never mind about appointments. Where is the manager? 别管约好没约好,经理在哪儿? Well, we have several managers here. If you could tell me why you want to see the manager, sir,I'll try to help you. 我们这儿有好几位经理。你能告诉我为什么要见经理吗,我会尽力帮你的。 I want to see the one responsible for selling computers. 我想见负责销售电脑的那位经理。 Do you want to buy some?你想买电脑吗? No, never ever. I' ve already bought the wretched things and they don' t work at all.不,永远也不想 买了。我已经买了一些破烂玩意儿,根本不能用。 I' m sorry to hear that.非常抱歉。 What' s the use of being sorry? What are you going to do about it? 抱歉有什么用?这件事你打算怎么办吧? If you' d like to wait while I contact Mr. Crandall, our sales manager, I' m sure he can help you. 如果你能稍等一下,我这就与销售部经理克兰多尔先生联系,他一定能帮你解决的。 怎样练好英语口语,一个人练英语口语怎么练有效?来吧,代入美联英语口语栏目的各种角色,英语,说起来。