  • 终于理解谈生意用英语怎么说


    I' m calling to see if you would like to have dinner tonight. 我打电话给你,是想知道今晚是否可以共进晚餐。 That' s very kind of you. I don' t have any plans.你真客气。我没有其他的安排。 Good. How about having dinner at Charley' s and having more talks about the business? 太好了。我们到查理饭店吃晚饭并具体谈谈那笔生意怎么样? All right. Thanks.行。谢谢。 Then I'll fetch you at 6 . at the hotel.那么我下午6点来宾馆接你。 That' s fine. See you then.好的。到时见。 (They go to the restaurant, get seated) Ready to order now, gentlemen?先生们,点菜吗? I' d like the hot roast beef.我要一份热烤牛肉。 And anything to drink, sir?您喝点什么,先生? Yes, I'll have beer.嗯,来一杯啤酒。 I'll have a roast rib and a Brandy。我要一份烤排骨和一杯白兰地。 Anything else, sir?还要点别的什么吗? Two pieces of shark' s pin soup, please.两份鱼翅汤。 I have some figures here about the mining project. 我这里有这项采矿工程的一些数据。 The project costs seem a little high.这项工程的成本似乎高了一些。 Yes, but we' ve taken into account the factors of inflation and interest rates. 是的,不过我们把通货膨胀和利率因素的影响都考虑在内了。 How many sub contractors will be involved?工程相关的承包商有多少? Twelve, as far as I know.据我所知有12个。 I see. Well, I'll have to disscuss these figures with my boss. 知道了。我得和老板讨论一下这些数据。 When will I hear from you on this? 我什么时候能知道你们在这项工程上的讨论结果? I think I should know something in a day or two. Hmm, the food is really good here, isn' t it?我想 一两天内就会有消息了。嗯,这儿的食物真的不错,对吧? I' m glad you like it. Thank you for your helping us with marketing development.我很高兴你喜欢这里 的饭菜。谢谢你帮助我们拓展市场。 My pleasure. I hope we could hammer out a deal. 不必客气。我希望我们的交易顺利。 不断的练习能快速提高英语听说能力,从实用的角度出来,真正让学英语为生活服务,学以致用才是学习的目的。