  • 总算晓得谈生意的英语对话


    Welcome. Please sit down, Mr. Martin.欢迎您,请坐,马丁先生。 Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner specially for me, Mr. Wang. 谢谢您为我特意准备如此丰盛的晚餐,王先生。 Don' t mention it. We should congratulate us on successful business activities. Now what would you like to drink? 别客气。我们应该庆祝我们的商务活动成功。您现在想喝点什么? Brandy,please.白兰地。 OK. Let' s begin. To our friendship and cooperation! 好。我们开始吧。为我们的友谊和合作干杯! Bottoms up!干杯! Would you like to eat with chopsticks?您愿意用筷子吗? Let me try… Oh, it' s difficult. Will you show me how to do it? 我试试……哦,太难了。您给我演示一下好吗? Look, this way… Yes, that' s right, Now let' s try some of this fish. 看,这样用……对,很好。尝尝鱼吧。 Thank you. It' s very nice.谢谢。味道真不错。 Help yourself please.请随便吃。 I like Chinese food very much and I think Chinese cooking is the best in the world. 我非常喜欢中国食物,我认为中国的烹饪是世界上比较好的。 I think your food is very tasty, too.我想你们的饭菜也是非常可口的。 不断的练习能快速提高英语听说能力,从实用的角度出来,真正让学英语为生活服务,学以致用才是学习的目的。