  • 总算认识送别客户用英语怎么说


    I hope you have a good trip home, Mr. Brown.布朗先生,祝你一路顺风。 Thank you for everything, Miss Song. You certainly made my stay in Shanghai a most interesting and enjoyable one. 宋小姐,谢谢你做的一切,你真的让我在上海度过了一段有趣而愉快的时光。 It' s been my pleasure to have been able to help you. I hope that in the future our two companies will be drawn closer together in mutual business cooperation. 我很高兴能帮助你。希望今后我们两家公司在商务上合作更加密切。 Yes, I am sure we will. I hope you can visit our company someday. Thank you again. Miss Song. Bye. 是的,我相信会的。我希望你有朝一日能访问我们公司。再次感谢你,宋小姐,再见。