  • 终于明白入住酒店英文怎么说

      A: Good morning, sir. Welcome to the Hilton Hotel. What can I do for you?   B: My name is Ronald Dickson. I have a reservation. Can I check in now?   A: Certainly, sir. Let me see. Yes,Mr. Dickson, I have your bookingrecord here. Your reservation is for a single room for three nights. Is that correct?   B:Yes.   A: Could you fill in the registration form,please?   B: Sure. (Fill out the form.) Here you are.   A: May I confirm your departure date?   B: Yes, I should be leaving on the 8th.   A: Do you have your passport with you? I need to take a look at it.   B: Sure. Here it is.   A: OK, Mr. Dickson, here is your passport and room key. Your room number is 1123,on the 11th Floor. Just a moment please.   A bellman will show you to your hope you will enjoy your stay here.   B: Thank you very much.
      A:早上好,先生。欢迎来到希尔顿酒店。我能帮您什么吗?   B:我叫罗纳德·迪克森。我预订了一间房,现在可以办理入住登记吗?   A:当然可以,先生。我看一下,是的,迪克森先生,有您的预订记录。您预订了三晚的单人房,是吗?   B:是的。   A:请您先填这张表格。   B:好的。(填表)填好了。   A:我能确认一下您的离开日期吗?   B:嗯,我应该在8日离开。   A:您带护照了吗?我需要看一下。   B:有,在这里。   A:好的,迪克森先生,这是您的护照和客房钥匙。您的房间号是1123,在11楼。请稍等片刻。服务员会带您去您的房间,希望您在这里过得愉快。   B:非常感谢。
      Can I check in now?   现在,可以办理入住登记吗?
    [图片0]   还可以这样说:   O I need to check in.我想办理入住手续。   O I'd like to check have a reservation under the name Gregory.我要入住。我的名字是格雷戈里。   O Am I all set? / Am I all checked in?我可以入住了吗?
      对方可能这样问:   O What name is the reservation under?您预订时的名字是什么?   O Do you have a reservation?您预订了吗?   I should be leaving on the 8th.   我应该在8日离开。
      对方可能这样问:   O What's your check-out time?您何时办理退房手续?   O May I have your check out time, please?请问您什么时候退房?