  • 终于发现观光的英文

      情景会话   A: Would you like to go sightseeing tomorrow?   B: Yes. Could you please recommend some interesting places?   A: Of course. What kind of places would You like to visit? Historical sites or natural landcapes?   B: I prefer the latter.   A: How about an eco-tourism in Cornwall? There are historic sites and stunning valleys with lakes.   B: Sounds great. Let's visit there. Is it OK for us to take pictures there?   A: Of background of your pictures will be really beautiful!
      A:您明天想不想去观光游览?   B:是的,你能介绍一些好玩的地方吗?   A:当然可以。您喜欢什么样的地方.   名胜古迹还是自然景观?   B:我比较喜欢后者。   A:那康沃尔的生态游如何?那里有历史遗迹,还有迷人的山谷和湖泊。   B:听起来很棒。咱们就去那儿吧。那里可以拍照吗?   A:当然。那你的照片背景会很美!
    [图片0]   场景表述   Would you like to go sightseeing tomorrow?   您明天想不想去观光游览?
      还可以这样说:   O Is there any place in particular you would like togo?您有特别想去的地方吗?
      O Shall I help you in your sightseeing around thecity?我陪您到市区游览观光好吗?
      O Are you into any outdoor activities? I can help you arrange a few.您喜欢什么户外活动吗?我可以帮您安排一些。
      对方可能这样回答:   O I've been looking forward to visiting Mt. Laoshan.我一直盼望着去唠山看看。
      O I'd like to go downtown to do some shopping.我想去市中心买些东西。
      What kinds of places do you like to visit? Historical sites or natural landscapes?   您再欢什么样的地方,名胜古迹还是自然景观?
      还可以这样说:   O Would you be interested in watching a baseball game? I can get tickets.您想看棒球比赛吗?我可以买到票。
      O Would you like to watch a musical?想不想去看场音乐剧?
      对方可能这样回答:   Let's go check out the castle.我们去查看那座城堡吧。   What teams are playing?什么队在比赛?