  • 总算认识礼服英语怎么说

      情景会话   A: Hello, Mrs. Jones. This is Brenda. I'm calling to remind you the banquet we aregoing to have in your honor this evening.   B: That's very kind of you. By the way, is it a formal one?   A: Yes, very formal. Some of the officials from the Ministry of Foreign Trade andEconomic Cooperation will be there too.   B: I see. Thank you for telling me this is the first time for me toattend such a formal banquet in Canada,I feel a little bit confused about whatto wear. Brenda,is there any particular requirement for dressing tonight?   A: They didn't mention that, but since it is very formal, it is quite usual forladies to wear evening dresses or banquet dresses. I remembered askingyou to prepare such dresses before our leaving, didn't I?   B: Yes, but you know cheongsarn is my favorite and I brought two of them. Iwonder if I can wear it to the banquet tonight.   A: As the banquet tonight has no particular requirement for dressing, you canwear your favorite. Men are usually required to wear suits instead.   B: I see. Thank you so much.
    [图片0]   A:您好,琼斯太太。我是布伦达。我打电话来是想提醒您今天晚上有一场我们特地为您举办的晚宴。   B:你太有心了。顺便问一下,是正式晚宴吗?   A:是的,非常正式。对外贸易经济合作部的某些官员也将出席。   B:明白了。谢谢你告诉我。这是我第一次参加加拿大的正式晚宴,我有点不知道穿什么衣服。布伦达,这次晚宴对着装是否有特殊要求?   A:他们没有提及,不过既然是场很正式的晚宴,女士通常要穿晚礼服或宴会礼服。我记得出发前叮嘱过您准备这样的礼服,是吧?   B:是的,但你也知道我喜欢旗袍,这次我带了两件。不知道今晚我能不能穿旗袍?   A:因为这次晚宴对服装没有特别的要求,你可以穿你心爱的旗袍。男士一般要求穿西服。   B:明白了。谢谢你。
      场景表述   Since it is very formal,it is quite usual for ladies to wear evening dresses or banquet dresses.   既然是场很正式的晚宴,女士通常要穿晚礼服或宴会礼服。   还可以这样说:    You'd better dress formally.你比较好着装正式些。    We must wear white shirts and dark blue suits.我们必须穿白衬衫和深蓝色西服。
      Men are usually required to wear suits instead.   男士一般要求穿西服。
      对方可能这样问:    Are we allowed to wear casual clothes?我们可以穿休闲服吗?