  • 总算认识航空服务英语口语

      情景会话   A: May I have a pack of cards?   B: Sorry, we don't have any cards available right now.   A: Never mind. I would like to listen to some music. But it seems my headphones are not working.   B: Let me get you another pair.   A: Thank you. By the way, can I use the lavatories in first-class?   B: I'm sorry but those lavatories are for first-class passengers only.   A: I see. Oh, can you show me how to use this remote control?   B: Sure. Push the "up" and "down" buttons on your remote control, so you can change channels and adjust volume.   A: Thank you very much.
    [图片0]   场景表述   Let me get you another pair.   我再为您拿一副耳机。
      还可以这样说:   O Please enjoy this magazine while you are waiting.请在等待的时候,翻看一下这本杂志吧。   O I will bring you a new pair immediately.我立即为您拿一副新的来。
      Can you show me how to use this remote control?   你能不能演示一下怎么使用这个遥控器?
      还可以这样说:   O Please tell me how to fasten the seat belt?您可以告诉我怎么系安全带吗?   O Excuse me, how do I recline my seat?请问椅背要怎么放下来?
      对方可能这样回答:   O Sure, let me help you.当然可以,我来帮你。   0 Look, all you need to do is to press that button.看,只要按一下那个按钮就可以了。