  • 终于发现身体不适的英语

      A: Did you press the call button just nowsir?   B: Yes, I did. I feel like vomiting and dizzy.   A: Sorry to hear that. I think you are suffering from airsickness.   B: And I feel the pains in my head after take-off.   A: That is caused by the change of air pressure.   B: Yes, I know. Could you please get some airsickness medicine for me?   A: OK. Please wait a minute. Here's the medicine and a glass of water. If youwant to vomit, please use the airsick bag in the seat pocket in front of you.   B: Thank you very much.   A: You're welcome. By the way, you can relieve the earache by wearing theheadphone. Thus you will feel better.   B: I hope so. It's my first time to take aplane. Thank you very much.   A: It's my pleasure.
      A:先生,请问刚才是您按了呼叫键吗?   B:是的。我有点想吐,感觉头晕。   A:很遗憾听到您这样说。我想您可能晕机了。   B:而且起飞后我还觉得头痛。   A:这是气压改变导致的。   B:是的,我知道。请问可以给我一些药物来。   A:可以,请您稍等一下。这是药和水。如果您想呕吐,请吐在位于您前方座椅靠背的清洁袋里。   B:非常感谢。   A:不客气。顺便告诉您,戴上耳机可以缓解耳朵疼,这样您会感觉舒服一些。   B:但愿有效。这是我第一次坐飞机,真是非常感谢你。   A:乐意为您效劳。
    [图片0] 场景表述
      I feel like vomiting, and I'm dizzy.   我有点想吐,感觉头晕。
      还可以这样说:   O After that turbulence, I feel like I might throw up.   经过那样气流之后,我觉得我快吐了。
      O I feel sick.我有点不舒服。
      O My ears feel funny.我有点耳鸣。
      O This is terrible. I have to go to the toilet.这太糟糕了,我必须去一趟厕所。