  • 终于明了车险英文怎么说

      What happens to me if I drive without auto insurance?   如果我开车却没买车险,会怎样?
      How much will my car insurance cover damages to the other car?   如果我撞坏了别人的车,我的车险赔付对方多少钱?
      Can insurance be transferred to a new vehicle?   车险能转移到新车上吗?
      1、My insurance runs out tomorrow, I must renew it.   明天我车险保险期就满了,我要延长期限。
      2、What kind a insurance pays for both my car and any other cars involved in a collision?   哪种保险赔付我的车和碰撞事故中的其他车?
      3、What to tell a car insurance agent to get lowest possible insurance?   怎么和车险代理说让他给我低价的保险?
      4、How much does TPL (Third Party Liability) insurance cost?   第三者责任险多少钱?
      5、What is full coverage auto insurance?   车的全保是什么样的保险?
      6、How can I cancel my car insurance?   我怎么取消我的车险?
      7、What is the average cost of car insurance?   车险一般多少钱?
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