  • 总算晓得吵闹英语怎么说

      Why don't you go talk to them?你干吗不跟他们谈谈?
      Would you mind being a little quieter next time please? 你下次能安静点吗?
      I am at my wits' end.我想尽办法了。
      1、Could you keep the noise down?   你们能小点声吗?
      2、Could you try not to be so loud?   你们能不这么大声吗?
      3、We need to speak with you about the noisy problem.   我们得跟你们谈谈你们老是吵闹的事情。
      4、You are disturbing us and I would like to resolve this peacefully.   你吵到我们了,我想和平解决这个事情。
      5、I would talk to the manager if the noise continues.   如果一直有噪音,我会跟管理人员谈谈。
      6、It's fine if you want to invite people to your party, but I couldn't sleep with the noise.   你请人来参加聚会没问题,但是吵得我睡不着觉了。
      7、It's way too loud.   太吵了。
      8、Next time could you try to keep it down?   下次能小声点吗?
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