  • 终于明白邻里关系英文

      It's freezing today.今天真冷啊。
      I'm so happy for you.真为你高兴。
      You have a good taste.你很有品位。
      You are welcome to our community.欢迎来到我们社区。
      1、I am really excited for you.   真为你高兴。
      2、It's so nice to hear the good news.   听到这个好消息我真高兴。
      3、You have a good eye for color.   你对挑选色彩很有眼光。
      4、We just had such a large snowfall yesterday.   昨天刚下了那么大的一场雪。
      5、How much snow has this storm dumped on us?   昨天的雪下了有多少啊?
      6、I hope it will be a nicer day tomorrow.   我希望明天天气好点。
      7、You really deserved this happiness.   你应该得到幸福。
      8、Wish you both a long and successful marriage.   祝福你们两个天长地久。
    [图片0] 以上是由深圳学校小编为您整理的邻里关系英文的全部内容。