  • 总算晓得图书馆英语对话

      1. May I come in and use the materials in the reading room?我可以进来翻阅阅览室的资料吗?
      2. Yes, come in, please. Please sign your name here, and we need to seeyour library card.进来吧,请在这儿签上你的名字。我们需耍看一下你借书证。
      3. Please show me your library card.请出示你的借书证。
      4. May I take these books out of the room?我可以把这些书带出I览室吗?
      5. No, you may not. You can only read them here.不,你不可以。你只能在这里阅读这本书。
      6. How can I find the books that I want to borrow?如何才能找到我想要借阅的图书呢?
      7. What do I have to do to check out/return the books?借/还这本书要办什么手续?
      8. Please tell me how to find a book.请教我怎样找书。
      9. Please record all the necessary information in a call slip.请在索书单上填上全部必需的资料。
      10. Can you show me how to find books in the stacks here?您能教我如何在书架上找书吗?
       can I get some help with finding a particular book?我怎样才能得到帮助找到某一本书呢?
      12. Could you check and see if you can get it back?您可以查一下,看看能否把它收回来吗?
      13. Have you checked in the catalogue using author and title?你查过作者和书名目录了吗?
      14. You can look up the book title, the author name, or the subject you areinvestigating.您可以根据书名、作者或您研究的主题来查找书。
    [图片0]   情景对话   A:Good morning, what can I do for you?   早上好,我能帮你做什么呢?   B:Good morning,I’d like to borrow a copy of Hamlet by Shakespeare.   早上好,我想借一本莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》。
      A:Please wait a moment. Let me go to the stacks to have a look. I'm sorry. All the copies have been checked out.   请等一下,我到书库给你找找。很抱歉,这本书所有的复本都借出去了。   B:That's too bad. I'm particularly interested in the novels written by Shakespeare.   真是遗憾.我对莎士比亚写的小说非常感兴趣。
      A:Don't worry. I can check other novels by Shakespeare on the computer for have many copies of other books by Shakespeare, such as Romeo and Juliet and The Merchant of Venice and so on. Our stacks are all open, and you are more than welcome to look at the books in them. Do you want to go into the stacks to look for what you need?   别着急,我可以帮你用计算机查查莎士比亚写的其他小说。我们有很多莎士比亚写的其他书,如《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《威尼斯商人》等。我们的书库是开放式书库,你可以自由翻阅书库里的书。您想进书库查找您需要的书吗?   B:Yes, please. Would you tell me where they are shelved and how I can find them?   当然,您能告诉我它们在哪个书架上,我怎样才能找到这些书呢?
      A:Fictions can be found easily on shelves if you know the author's last name. All of Shakespeare's novels are classed in the /H272 subject class and can be found on the shelves so marked.   如果你知道作者的姓,架上的小说是很容易找到的。所有莎士比亚的小说都分在 / H272类里,可以在标有 / H272的书架上直接找到。   B:How many books can I borrow at one time?   我一次可以借几本书呢?
      A:Three is the maximum.   多三本。   B:What do!have to do to check out these books?   借这些书要办什么手续?
      A:It's very simple. Give me your library card, and I will check them out on the computer.   很简单。把你的借书证给我,我用计算机进行登记。   B:Here you are.   给您证件。
      A:You are all set.   您的手续办完了。   B:How long can I keep these books?   这些书我能借多长时间?
      A:One week. Don't forget to return them by the due date.   一个星期。别忘了在到期之前把书还回来。   B:Thank you for your help. Goodbye.   多谢您的帮助,再见。   A:Goodbye.   再见。