  • 总算理解公司概况英文

      1. Why do you want to leave your present job and join us?你为什么要辞去现在的工作来我们这里?
      2. Why do you want to apply for a position in our company?你为什么想申请来我们公司?
      3. Your operations are global, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of environment.你们公司的运作是全球化的,我觉得在这样一个环境中工作会收获多。
       think my major is suitable for this position.我认为我的专业适合这个职位。
      5. I'm interested in your company's training program.我对你们公司的培训计划很感兴趣。
      6. Please tell me a little bit about your present job.请告诉我你目前这个工作的一些情况。
      7. Why do you think you are qualified for this position?你为什么认为你能胜任这个工作?
      8. My major and working experience make me qualified for this position.我的专业和工作经验使我能胜任这个职位。
      9. How do you know about our company?
      11. How much do you know about our company?关于我们公司,你知道多少?
      12. What are your short-term goals?你的近期目标是什么?
      13. What is your long-range objective?你的长远目标是什么?
      14. Where do you want to be 5 years from now in your career?五年内你的事业想达到什么水平?
      15. What do you think of this industry's outlook in five years?你认为五年内这个行业的发展状况如何?
      16. I do believe this industry will be developed rapidly in 5 years time.我坚信五年内这个行业会飞速发展。
    [图片0] 情景对话
      A:Hi, Mike? I'm Sue. I've been asked to handle your training and introduce a little bit of the company to you. It's nice to meet you.   嗨,你是迈克吧?我是苏。我负责你的培训,帮你了解一点公司情况。很高兴认识你。   B:Nice to meet you, too, Ms. Sue. This company seems so big. Idon't know how I'll ever get used to it.   我也很高兴认识你,苏女士。这个公司似乎太大了。我真不知道如何适应得了它。
      A:After three days, you'll be running around here like a pro. Let me give you a list of departments, and next to each department is its location and number.   三天后你就会轻车熟路了。我给你一份各个部门的清单,每个部门旁边都标着它的位置和号码。   B:Great. That'll be big help, Ms, Sue.   太好了,这能帮大忙了,苏女士。
      A:Our company has been manufacturing top quality appliances for15 years. We began selling rice cookers from one small shop in Beijing. At that time, we were strictly a mom-and-pop operation.   我们的电器生产一流的家电产品已有+五年的历史了。公司早在北京以贩卖电饭锅起家,我们当时只是小成本的家庭电器行。   B:I see. And then?   我了解。然后呢?
      A:To keep up with overwhelming customer response, the company expanded rapidly. We improved our Research and Development and enlarged our product lines to include washers,dryers, refrigerators, and so on.   由于客户反应热烈,公司即很快地扩展。我们加强研发部门,扩大生产线,增加产品项目,像洗衣机及烘干机、电冰箱等产品。   B:What kind of families are our products for?   我们的产品针对哪类的家庭?
      A:Our appliances are geared toward households with high needs butminimal space.   我们的电器是专门针对要求高效率,但空间有限的家庭用户设计的。   B:Where is our main market?   我们的主要市场在哪儿?
      A:Beijing is still our main market.   北京仍是我们的主要市场。   B:What's our market share?   我们的市场占有率有多少?
      A:As a matter of fact, you'll find our appliances in at least one out of three households in Beijing alone.   事实上,你会发现北京地区至少每三户人家中就有一户用我们的产品。