  • 终于知晓同意用英语怎么说

      1. I have no problem with this solution.我对于这个解决方法没有异议。
      2. I totally agree with what you said.我完全同意刚才你所说的。
      3. I have no issue with the decision of the management.我对于管理层做的 决定没有异议。
      4. I can't agree with you more.我非常同意你的观点。
      5. What you said makes sense.你刚才说的有道理。
      6. Yes, I think you're right.我觉得你说的是对的。
      7. I see your point; that's correct.我了解你的看法了,是对的。
      8. Your idea sounds good.你的主意听起来不错。
      9. The quotation is reasonable.报价是合理的。
      10. I cannot say no to your point of view.我认同你的观点。
      11. I'm glad that we're in the same picture.很高兴咱们观点一致。
      12. I will approve your proposal the moment I get back to the office.我一回办公室就批准你的方案。
      13. I endorse your opinion on the core concept.我同意你关于核心理念的观点。
      14. I am in favour of your suggestion.我赞成你的建议。   15. I quite go along with you on this.这点上我和你意见一致。
    [图片0]   情景对话   A:Your proposal of Phase 2was brilliant.   你第二阶段的方案非常棒。   B:You were at the meeting?   你当时在会议上?
      A:Yes, I sat beside Joan.   是的,我当时坐在琼旁边。   B:How do you like the idea of "getting people away from the Internetand back with family"?   你觉得“让人们离开电脑重回家庭”这个主意怎么样?
      A:It's unique and shows that we care about people from deep downinside.   这个主意很独特,而且显示出我们从内心深处关心人们。   B:I'm so glad you like it.   我很高兴你喜欢这个主意。
      A:What I agree the most is the analysis of consumer insight. Itdigged out what people want nowadays.   我同意的部分是消费者洞察的分析。它挖掘出了现代人们到底想要什么。   B:Sure, that's very important for the execution of our plans.   是的,消费者洞察对于执行计划非常重要。
      A:So happy we're in the same picture!   英雄所见略同。   I'm sure the campaign will be successful with the support of yourteam.   B:我相信有了你们团队的帮助,这次活动一定很成功。