  • 终于懂得打错电话英语

      打错电话是常有的事。如果是拨了空号,电话那边会传来Sorry, the number you dialed does not exist. Please check the number and dial again.但如果是被人接听到了,带来的尴尬不大不小,就看你会不会用机智的语言和幽默的态度来化解了。    have no Mike here.我们这里没有迈克。   A:Mike please.   B:We have no Mike here.   A:Is it 6101?   甲:我找迈克。   乙:我们这里没有迈克。   甲:这是6101吗?
       number are you calling?您拨的电话号码是多少?   A:What number are you calling?   B:.   A: It is speaking.   甲:您拨的电话号码是多少2   乙:。   甲:这里是。
      ’m afraid you have the wrong number.您好像打错电话了。   A:I'm afraid you have the wrong number.   B: Is it ?   A: No. It is .   甲:您好像打错电话了。   乙:这里是吗?   甲:不,这是
    [图片0]    must have dialed a wrong number.我一定是打错了。   A: Can I speak with Peter?   B: There is no Peter.   A: I must have dialed a wrong number.   甲:我能和彼特通话吗?   乙:这里没人叫彼特。   甲:我一定是打错了。
       beg you pardon? Miss who?对不起,你说谁?   A: Miss Zhao, please.   B: I beg you pardon? Miss who?   A: Miss Zhao.   甲:我找赵小姐。   乙:对不起,你说谁,   甲:赵小姐。
       suggest you check the phone book.我建议您查一下电话簿。   A: Mark, please.   B: There is no one by that name. I suggest you check the phone book.   A: Thank you.   甲:我找马克。   乙:这里没有叫这个名字的人。我建议您查一下电话簿。   甲:谢谢。
       to have bothered you.对不起打搅了。   A: May I speak to Mary?   B: I think you misdailed.   A: Sorry to have bothered you.   甲:我想找玛丽接电话。   乙:我想你打错电话了。   甲:对不起打搅了。