  • 总算晓得身体状态英语

      身体出问题了,想要得到有效的帮助,就得学会详细而又清晰地描述病情。学会了各种基本疾病的表达,去医院看病就不成问题了。   1. I came down with a cold.我感冒了。   A: Are you OK? You don't look so good.   B: I came down with a cold.   甲:你还好吧,看起来气色不大好似的。   乙:我感冒了。
       feel chilly.我浑身发冷。   A: I feel chilly.   B: Here, wrap up in this blanket   甲:我浑身发冷。   乙:给你,把这个毯子裹上。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I have the chills.   I feel cold.   I can't get warm.
       have a temperature.我发烧了。   A:I have a temperature.   B:Oh? What is it?   A:Over one hundred.   甲:我发烧了。   乙:哦,多少度?   甲:一百多华氏度。
    [图片0]    belly hurts.我肚子疼。   A: My belly hurts.   B: You should curl up for a while.   甲:我肚子疼。   乙:那你应该蜷一会儿。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I have a pain in my abdomen.   I have pain in my gut.
       threw out my back.我后背拉伤了。   A: Why are you walking funny?   B: I threw out my back.   甲:你走路怎么这么滑稽,   乙:我后背拉伤了。
       hand was scalded with boiling water.我的手被沸水烫伤了。   A: What happened to your hand?   B: My hand was scalded with boiling water.   甲:你的手怎么了,   乙:我的手被沸水烫伤了。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I burnt my hand with some boiling water.   My hand got burnt from some boiling water.