  • 总算明了被录取用英语怎么说

    求职这个事本身就是双向选择,不仅是公司选择你,你也选择公司。 所以,只要你是权衡利弊,考虑清楚了,无锡美联英语分享被录取用英语怎么说

    Congratulations, decide to employ you as a worker in our company. 祝贺你,唐先生,我们决定录用你为我们公司的一名员工。 Thank you, ' s really good news for me. 谢谢,布莱克先生,这对我来说确实是个好消息。 You' re ' m sure you are equal to the job. 欢迎你加盟。我相信你有能力干好这份工作。 Yes, I' ll work hard and you will be satisfied with my work. 是的,我会好好干,对我的工作你会满意的。 Oh, , these materials are about the regulations and points for attention, you can hope you can adapt to the job as quickly as the way, you can come to work on 15th ofthis month. 唐先生,这些材料是有关公司的规章制度和注意事项,你可以看看。我希望你能尽快适应工作。顺便说一下,你可以在本月15日来公司上班。 That' s you, ' ll come to work on bye. 太好了,谢谢,布莱克先生。我会准时上班的。再见。 Bye bye. 再见。


    Thank you for travelling so far to work with me, Mr. Zhang. 感谢你远道而来和我一起工作,张先生。 Well, when I find the right company, I don' t care what length I have to go! 当我找到了理想的公司,我是不会在乎要走多远的。 I hope we can continue to do good work together. I' ll contact you as soon as the contract is typedup. 我希望我们能继续共创佳绩。合同打印好后我会立即和你联系。 Good! I' ll speak to you then.好! 我们到时再谈。 不断的练习能快速提高英语听说能力,从实用的角度出来,真正让学英语为生活服务,学以致用才是学习的目的。