  • 终于明了签合同的英语怎么说

    接受还是不接受这份工作? 一旦你终得到了对方提出录用你的许诺、不再左顾右盼的时候,你必须思考有关该工作是否适合你的细节问题。无锡美联英语分享签合同英语怎么说

    Well, this looks fine to me, Ms. Walker. I' m ready to sign. 好的,我看这很好,沃克女士。我可以签字了。 Great! Just put your name on the dotted line and we' ll be set. I' ll get my secretary to witness it. 很好!就签在虚线上吧,这样我们就妥了。我叫我的秘书来作证。 All right. And then, if we could just make a copy for me to keep in my records. 行,还有,如果可能也给我留一份附件存档用。 Of course, Miss Yang. I' ll have that for you to take home today. 当然可以,杨小姐。我今天就会准备好让你带走的。


    Miss Hong, have you had a chance to look over the contract? 洪小姐,你有机会看过合同吗? Yes. I' ve read it carefully, Mr. Myers. 有。我认真地看过,迈尔斯先生。 Do you have any questions? 你有什么问题吗? No. But I' m not clear when my benefits begin. 没有,不过我不清楚我的福利什么时候生效。 Well, your benefits will begin immediately if you accept the hiring terms. 哦,如果你接受聘用条件,你的福利就会立刻生效。 Even my health insurance? 我的健康保险也是吗? Yes. We will apply for your health insurance tomorrow. And your free membership in the club startstoday if you like. 是的。我们明天会帮你申请健康保险。如果你愿意,你今天就会成为免费的会员。 Regarding to the free membership, I have a few questions, Mr. Myers. 迈尔斯先生,关于免费会员,我有几个问题。 What would you like to know, Miss Hong? 你想知道些什么,洪小姐? Is my membership the same as paying club members? I mean, can I get discounts at club hotels? 我的会员身份是否与付费会员一样?我是说,我可以在会员旅馆享受折扣吗? Absolutely. 可以。 Now you want me to keep a copy of the contract, but we won' t sign it yet. Is that right? 现在你要我保留一份合同的复印件,但我们还不签,对吗? Yes. I' ve prepared the contract so that you understand everything. 是的。我准备合同是想让你了解一切事情。 I understand. And according to the terms on the contract, I am happy to accept this job. I lookforward to it. 我明白了。根据合同的条件,我很高兴接受这个工作。我期待它。 I' m very pleased. We look forward to having you here, Miss Hong. 我很高兴。我们期待你来这里,洪小姐。