  • 终于知道入职用英语怎么说

    接受还是不接受这份工作? 一旦你终得到了对方提出录用你的许诺、不再左顾右盼的时候,你必须思考有关该工作是否适合你的细节问题。无锡美联英语分享入职英语怎么说

    Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? Yes, you tell me where the manager' s office is? 谢谢,请告诉我经理办公室在哪儿? What do you wish to see him about? 你找他有什么事吗?
    I am asked to report to the manager. 我是来向经理报到上班的 So you are Liu Wei, right? The manager is waiting for you. Please follow me. 那你就是刘伟,对吗?经理在等你呢,请跟我来。


    Good morning, Mr. Smith. 早上好,史密斯先生。 Morning, Xiao Zhang. Do you have any difficulty finding my office? 小张,你早。怎么样,办公室不难找吧? Not I begin my job now? 还行,我现在就开始干活,行吗? Wait a minute, is your job de锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌 a look at it first. 等等,这儿有你的工作职责说明。先看一下吧。 All you. 好的,谢谢。