  • 终于理解药店的英语

      美国的drugstore其实不只是药店的意思。更准确的译法应该是‘·便利店”,因为里面会销售很多日用品。在国内,从分布情况来看,药店大有赶超便利店的势头。一条街上可能没有便利店,但是药店都有几家。没办法,吃五谷杂粮总要生病的嘛!   1. Can you fill this pre锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion for me?你能给我抓药吗?   A: Can you fill this pre锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion for me?   B: Sure, let me have a look.   甲:你能给我抓药吗,   乙:没问题,让我看看。
       you have anything for diarrhea?有治拉肚子的药吗?   A: Can I help you find something?   B: Do you have anything for diarrhea?   甲:您需要什么呢,   乙:有治拉肚子的药吗?
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I have diarrhea. Do you have medicine for it?   I need something for diarrhea. Do you have anything?
    [图片0]    you have medicine to cure athlete's foot?有治疗脚气的药吗?   A: Do you have medicine to cure athlete's foot?   B: Yes, we do. It's right over here.   甲:有治疗脚气的药吗?   乙:是的,我们这儿有。就在这里。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   Do you have something for athlete's foot?   I need some medicine for athlete's foot.   Do you have athlete's foot medicine?
       need some cold medicine.我想买点感冒药。   A: I need some cold medicine.   B: OK, just over-the-counter?   A: Yes. please   甲:我想买点感冒药。   乙:好,就买非处方药吗,   甲:是的。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I'd like some medicine for a cold.   I'm looking for cold medicine.   I need something for a cold.
       drug can reduce a fever?有什么药可以退烧?   A: What drug can reduce a fever?   B: This one here can. For the others you will need a pre锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion.   甲:有什么药可以退烧,   乙:这儿有一种药可以。其他的你需要医生的处方。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I need some medicine to take down a fever.   I need a fever-reducing drug.