  • 总算明了话费的英语

      What are people saying about contractual phone plans? 大家对手机合同怎么看?
      How can I save on phone bills?我怎样才能节省手机话费?
      How does the prepaid plan charge you?预先存话费计划是怎么交钱的?
      1、Your telephone charge is overdue, please renew it.   您的电话已欠费,请您续交话费。
      2、What's your opinion about contractual phone plans?   你对手机合同怎么看?
      3、What do you think about contractual phone plans?   你对手机合同怎么看?
      4、How to choose cellphone plans that save you money?   怎样选择省钱的手机计划?
      5、Is the prepaid plan worth getting?   预存话费计划好不好?
      6、Do prepaid cell phone plans allow you to receive calls for free?   买了预存话费计划,接电话免费吗?
      7、Do you allow free calls to others on the same network?   我跟使用同一个通讯公司的用户之间打电话免费吗?
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