  • 终于知晓订房间用英文

      I'd like to reserve a hotel room for this Tuesday night.我想订这周二晚上的房间。
      I have a reservation.我预定过了。
      Could I get an extra towel?我能再要条毛巾吗?
      Hot water is available any time.酒店24小时提供热水。
      1、I'd like to book a hotel room for....   …我想订某天的旅馆。
      2、How much per night are we talking about?   我们说的那个多少钱一晚?
      3、We have a discount.   我们享受折扣价。
      4、We talked to the front desk and agreed on a rate of…
      5、The reservation is under the name Limei.   房间是用李梅的名字订的。
      6、Could you bring up some more towels?   能再给我们些毛巾吗?
      7、Could I get a couple of more towels and another blanket?   我能再要些毛巾和一条毯子吗?
      8、Could you send up more shampoo and conditioner?   你能再送点洗发水和护发素吗?
    [图片0] 以上是由广州韦博英语小编为您整理的订房间用英文的全部内容。